I try hard to periodically test my notions about things that I believe, even those that are experientially based. So a couple weeks ago, I had a scoop of store brand vanilla ice cream; it was awful. It was so bad, in fact, that I used some chocolate sauce to drown the flavor. Now there are any number of brands that I find acceptable, but most store brands just don’t taste that good to me.

A few years ago, I had a bad cold, and I bought the generic equivalent version of Vicks NyQuil. It was the most vile tasting thing I had ever consumed. Not that Nyquil is exactly yummy, but it isn’t bitter. (And I hate using NyQuil; I feel as though I were stoned for about four hours after I get up.)

There are generic equivalents to Cheerios cereal that are acceptable, but I do tend to by the name brand because of an unfortunate incident of buying an oat ceral that approximated the taste of cardboard.

Ny wife is tottally off the generics for dish washing.

What items do YOU buy where only the brand name, not the generic equivalent, will do?

Oh, and, off topic, as I’m wont to be: What album cover does this remind you of?

0 thoughts on “Name Brand QUESTION”

  1. Hmmm brand names – yes I agree re cereals alternatives just do not taste anything like kellogs. As for household cleaning products – I just use shop brand Wallmart?


  2. Ketchup (gotta be Heinz); dish soap (gotta be Dawn); and…that’s about it, off the top of my head. But I’m lucky in that The Store takes its store brand very seriously. In a lot of cases, they’re not cheap knock-offs but rather literal re-labeling of the genuine article (such as our ice cream).

    On NyQuil: I don’t bother with it in any form since it was reformulated to remove my beloved pseudoephedrine. And on vanilla ice cream: Since I’ve discovered vanilla bean ice cream, I can’t go back to “regular” vanilla. French vanilla is acceptable, but regular? Nope. Doesn’t matter which brand.


  3. I heard the other day that if you drop a shopping level that you can save 31% on your bill. For example, from branded goods to store’s own premium buy, or from own brand to economy. I don’t know if this is because they are cheaper or because you eat/use less!

    I’ve just tried out this theory by buying store brand chocolate fingers instead of Cadbury’s. They are okay, but not as good.


  4. Probably the biggest for me is Nutri-Grain bars. I tend to eat those at work when I get hungry. I have bought the generic store brands to save money before, but all of them are just awful.

    By the way, I responded to your comment/question from a few days back. Finally catching up with things.


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